Zvuk First Blood

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Jul 24, 2018 - “We believe this is the first study to show that serum-based altered. Level of cholesterol, bile acids and other biochemical compounds in blood. However hard it is to translate, Gost Zvuk has been a reliable source of heady, otherworldly beats and sketches since their first release in 2014, a four-track EP from one Aleksei Nikitin—better.

What is a hearing impairment? Hearing impairment is partial or total incompetence to hear the sounds. It occurs when a hearing mechanism is damaged consequently affecting the brain which is no longer receiving signals that can interpret as sound. We can divide hearing impairment into two groups: hearing loss and deafness.

Hearing loss is a condition that occurs because of larger or smaller damaging of hearing, while deafness is considered a complete loss of hearing. Hearing loss is one of the most common health problems in the world, and in most cases of hearing loss, you can treat it with the use of hearing aids. It is crucial that you acknowledge earlier signs of hearing loss because our brain can forget how to ¨hear¨ certain sounds. Categories of hearing impairment According to the World Health Organization hearing loss can be divided into four categories depending on the hearing loss level: • Mild hearing loss: problems occur with hearing and understanding quiet conversations, conversations in the distance, or conversations with background noise. • Moderate hearing loss: You experience difficulties with normal hearing, even at close range. • Severe hearing loss: You can hear only really loud conversations or loud noises in the environment, such as sirens, or door shouting. You are not able to hear and understand most of the discussions.

• Practical deafness: You can perceive sounds only as vibrations. Causes of hearing loss There are my different causes why you can lose your hearing. Some come as a result of external factors such as injury, exposure to loud sounds (loud music, shotgun, scream, aircraft engine sound), stress, etc. Some may occur because of internal factors such as head or ear infections, side effects on medicaments and chemotherapy, excessive wax in the ear, complications during childbirth, hereditary factors, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. However, the most common cause of hearing loss is the natural aging process.

Age-related hearing loss- Presbycusis NATURAL PROCESS An age-related hearing loss is a natural life cycle process that affects many older adults. Almost 1 out of 3 people between 65 and 74 are experiencing a certain degree of hearing loss, and approximately half of those older than 75 have difficulty understanding speech. The most common cause of this type of hearing loss is the change that occurs in the inner ear. With age, sensitive hairs in the inner ear Cochlea are getting damaged and are dying. OCCURS GRADUALLY This condition occurs gradually, usually affecting both ears, and therefore many people are not even aware that they are losing hearing. Indeed, many people sometimes do not want to admit to having a hearing problem because they experience this as an unpleasant sign of aging and weakness.