Paruyr Sevak Siro Masin

Paruyr Sevak (Armenian: Պարույր Սևակ) (January 24, 1924 – June 17, 1971) was an Armenian poet, translator and literary critic.He is considered one of the greatest. Keyword Suggestions. The following is a keyword list associated with Paruyr Sevak Siro Masin Banastexcutyunner. These data are mainly from the Google,.

Contents • • • • • • • Biography [ ] Sevak was born Paruyr Ghazaryan (: Պարույր Ղազարյան) in Chanakhchi (now ) village,, to Rafael Ghazaryan and Anahit Soghomonyan on January 24, 1924. Young Paruyr attended the village school and later in 1940 moved to Yerevan to study at the philological faculty of. He graduated from the YSU in 1945. The same year he starts a postgraduate study of Armenian literature at the Academy of Sciences Abeghyan Institute of Literature. In 1951 Sevak went to Moscow to study at the.

Graduating from that institute Paruyr works there in 1957-59 as a translating professor. Inspired by the Western Armenian poet, Paruyr Ghazaryan adopted the name Paruyr Sevak as his. In 1960 Sevak returns to Yerevan and starts his fecund and meaningful literary, scientific and public activism. 4.2 iphone. He starts to work at the Abeghyan Institute of Literature as a scientific researcher. From 1966-1971 Sevak served as the Secretary of the Board of the. In 1967 Sevak became a doctor of philology after dissertation defense. In 1968 he was elected to the Supreme Council of the.

Paruyr Sevak's Plaque in Yerevan on Kasyan street Sevak died on June 17, 1971 in a car crash while on a drive back to Yerevan. In previous years, he had voiced his criticism of the corruption of the Soviet establishment and for this, many Armenians believe, he was murdered by the Soviet government. His wife, Nelly Menagharishvili, also died in the car crash. He was buried in the backyard of his home, in Zangakatun, which later became a museum open to everyone. Literary work [ ] Sevak's poem The Unsilenceable Belfry is dedicated to Armenian composer and to the remembrance of the. Publications [ ] • Immortals Command (Անմահները հրամայում են) — 1948 • Uncompromising Intimacy (Անհաշտ մտերմություն) — 1953 • Love Road (Սիրո ճանապարհ) — 1954 • The Unsilenceable Belfry (Անլռելի Զանգակատուն) — 1959 • Man in a Palm (Մարդը ափի մեջ) — 1964 • Sayat Nova (Սայաթ Նովա) — 1969 • Let There Be Light (Եղիցի լույս) — 1969 • Your Acquaintances (Ձեր ծանոթները) — 1971 Legacy and memory [ ] One of the mains streets of Yerevan's district is named after Sevak. School #123 of Yerevan is named after Paruyr Sevak.

In popular culture [ ] • 'Paruyr Sevak' (1984) directed by, References [ ].

Vorqan hishum em sa arajin banasteghtsutyunnerits er (Sevaki grchin patkanogh) vor indz matutsvets aveli manuk hasakum. Yes ayn petq e asmunqei mer dprotsi bemits. Ayd jamanak gaghapar angam chuni vor karogh e ays hrashali banasteghtsutyun@ nayev unenal havasarachap hrashali yev zarmanali patmutyun. Vor@ aha nerkayatsnum em dzez. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nax banasteghtsutyun@. Namak Na e grum inds?

Te yes em grum im harazatin? Inqs el chgitem. 'Ardyoq qez yerb em, yerb em tesnelu.? Dzmer u amar, ashun u garun.

Isk ur e tarva me~r yeghanak@? Ayn hingerord@.'


Na e grum inds? Te yes em grum im harazatin? Inqs el chgitem.

'Du nkatel es? Dzmer zhamanak Anhnarin e antsnel antari ayn tsanot teghov, Vorov antsel es amran orerin, Qani vor tsrtits sastik kuch galov, U dzyan beran tak jkvelov x@ghjuk` Vost u jyugher@ pakum en jampad, Isk mtnshaghin kam aghjamughjin` Jankrum en demqd, Achqid sparnum: Yes qaylum ey aghjamughji mej, U qaylum ei nayev mtatsir: Mtatsir ardyoq, mtampop ardyoq?

Mite nuyn@ che? U yes haskatsa, Vor yerb huzvats enq` Menq taqtsnum enq mer xeghj dzerqer@, Yerb anvstah enq` Menq taqtsnum enq mer xeghj votqer@. Isk yerb en mardik taqtsnum demq@? Gutse amotits? (Yes che~m amachum im siro hamar) Gutse karotits? (Yes uzum em qez tesnel ba~ts achqov): Gutse jankrtogh jyugherits ays char? Obrazec cenovogo predlozheniya na postavku tovara.