Manevr Epli Video

BPPV occurs when small pieces of bone-like calcium (canaliths) break free and float inside small canals in your inner ear. This sends confusing messages to your brain about your body's position, which causes vertigo. The Epley maneuver is used to move the canaliths out of the canals so they stop causing symptoms. To perform the maneuver, your health care provider will: • Turn your head toward the side that causes vertigo. • Quickly lay you down on your back with your head in the same position just off the edge of the table.

You will likely feel more intense vertigo symptoms at this point. • Move your head to the opposite side.

• Turn your body so that it is in line with your head. You will be lying on your side with your head and body facing to the side.

• Sit you upright. Your provider may need to repeat these steps a few times.

The home Epley maneuver is a type of exercise help that helps to treat the symptoms. You may find it helpful to watch a video of the home Epley maneuver first.

Bhattacharyya N, Baugh RF, Orvidas L, et al. Clinical practice guideline: benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Otolaryngol: Head Neck Surg. 2008;139(5 Suppl 4):S47-S81. PMID: 18973840. Crane BT, Minor LB.

Peripheral vestibular disorders. In: Flint PW, Haughey BH, Lund V, et al, eds. Cummings Otolaryngology: Head & Neck Surgery.

Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2015:chap 165. Sacco RR, Burmeister DB, Rupp VA, Greenberg MR. Management of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: a randomized controlled trial. PMID: 24462034. A.D.A.M., Inc. Is accredited by URAC, also known as the American Accreditation HealthCare Commission ( URAC's is an independent audit to verify that A.D.A.M.

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Let us first understand what is BPPV or Vertigo? Vertigo in layman term means dizzy spells or feeling of an imbalance that makes you feel lopsided, you might feel as if the entire world around you is spinning but in actual it is an inner ear problem that causes these dizzy spells. You may often find yourself swaying or feel tilted and even feel a pull in one direction; all of these are symptoms of vertigo. Some causes of vertigo are as below: • BPPV means benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. It occurs when there is a deposit of calcium particles in the canals of the inner ear. Mostly associated with age BPPV mostly bothers senior citizens.

• An inner ear problem called Meniere’s disease causes build up of water or other fluids in the ear and thus causing a pressure that results in episodes of vertigo along with hearing loss. • A viral infection called Vestibular neuritis also causes vertigo.

This causes inflammation in the nerves surrounding the inner ear. • Sometimes Vertigo is also associated with injuries of the head and the neck, migraine, sinusitis, tumor or stroke in the brain and even medications that can cause damage to the ear. The only treatment available for Vertigo or BPPV is Epley Maneuver. To understand the treatment and how beneficial this can prove for persons suffering from Vertigo, let us understand what is Epley Maneuver? What is Epley Maneuver?

In medical terminology, Epley Maneuver is a repositioning procedure that is used to treat BPPV or vertigo in the ear canals, either in the posterior or interior parts. Mostly a doctor who is an ENT specialist, audiologist, osteopath or a chiropractor will use Dix-Hallpike test to confirm the diagnosis of BPPV.