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Mar 20, 2016 - Hi there. There are major issues with IE8 at thus moment, IE8 doesn't support flash.ocx files. Uninstall IE8 and go back to IE7 and update it. Dec 7, 2016 - People sometimes fail to recognize that Adobe Flash is more than just a plugin running on PCs. In fact, it is also an essential part of other.

In the meantime, i've asked a similar question on LG developer forum and someone replied that they have no plans to include flash in the browser - fair enough and I agree. It would be great though if they or somebody else can provide a way for the webos internet browser to be able to have the browser agent changed so at least, sites that already replace flash content on ipads, would do the same on the TV.

Does anybody maybe have a suggestion on how something like this could be implemented? I've even tried to look for websites that allow you to change user agent on the fly but none of the ones I tested had good results. Lg WebOS hasn't got Flash because i have talked with LG and they say that ADOBE doesn't want to provide them Flash, then i asked why Netcast has flash, they sayed that in that moment ADOBE provided them and as you can see netcast has flash 10 and can't be updated, and the actual version is Flash 15, they sayed that if i talk personaly to adobe, they could help me, so if we all send a mail to adobe, may be they can provide flash on behalf of clients, so friends, one email can change the way of your TV, so please help me and also send emails to adobe. Hope it helped, 1 like also helps me. Hi guys, It looks like many people are asking for this. To be honest, maybe flash is not the best option in such case and as some of you guys mentioned, it would require input from Adobe and it might get a bit complicated for LG to implement.

What I was originally asking for though, is for some tool that would at least allow LG WebOS TV owners to switch the browser's User Agent string to something like an iPad for example. Nowadays, many websites (and most importantly, websites streaming video content) have implemented fallbacks if flash is not available however, the webos tv browser user agent seems to be not so popular and it lacks behind. I really love my TV but sometimes, I feel a bit disappointed with certain small things as I know the TV is easily capable to do much more but it's limited in certain situations like this. Yes, i also think that's exactly right, LG doesn't want the license because they think that now days evrything works with html5 but they are 'out of mind' because 50% or more of internet is still using Flash player.

HTML5 is just another innovation that only big company's webpages is using. I recommend lg to know about the word outside of sales and business. There is something named satisfaction. I wish that WebOS 2.0 will be available for my TV 42LB650V, and i hope it's lot better than the current OS ver. And doesn't have the 'out of memory' error.